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Richard Atkins Primary School

Admission Arrangements

Richard Atkins Primary School, Reception – Year 6

Richard Atkins is a community school that welcomes children between the ages of 4 and 11. Additionally, it offers a nursery which admits children aged 3 to 4. Currently, it operates as a 1.5 form entry school with a planned transition to a 1 form entry. This means there are 45 places from year 4 to year 6, and 30 places from Reception to Year 3. The nursery provision has 26 full-time equivalent places.

Richard Atkins Primary School is an inclusive school that welcomes all learners regardless of race, gender, and ethnicity or religion, stage of English learning, ability, special educational needs or impairments.

Applications for a school place are made directly to the local authority in which you live.

Once you have applied for a school place, the waiting list is held and managed by Lambeth Council. To speak to the Lambeth School Admissions Team, or to find out where you are on the waiting list, please call 020 7926 9503. Or email them at schooladmissions@lambeth.gov.uk

Richard Atkins Nursery

The school manages its own Nursery admissions.

Applications must be made directly to the school office and must be supported by evidence of identity, date of birth and address (application forms and more details on this are available from the school office at any time).

For further information about making an application for your child to attend Richard Atkins Primary School, please refer to our Admissions Policy.