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Richard Atkins Primary School

School Uniform

At Richard Atkins Primary School we are all very proud of our school and we take pride in the appearance of our children.

Wearing correct school uniform is something we ask of all of our children; it is comfortable and smart and means we belong to this school.

Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct uniform and that all items of clothing and footwear are labelled with your child’s name.

Richard Atkins Uniform

  • White shirt or purple polo shirt (required)
  • Grey Jumper with school logo (required)
  • Grey skirt, trousers or shorts (required)
  • Plain black or grey hijab
  • Grey socks or tights (plain) (required)
  • Black school shoes (There are lots of stairs in the school and shoes need to be both comfortable and safe) (required)
  • Purple and White Gingham dress (summer term) (optional)

PE and Games Kit

  • Plain white T-shirt with school logo (required)
  • Black shorts, leggings or tracksuits (required)
  • Trainers or plimsolls (required)

All pupils are required to change into suitable clothes for physical activities. This is to ensure their safety as well as for hygiene purposes.

Book Bag

  • Grey book bag or ruck sack with school logo (required)


  • Jewellery: On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school, this prevents children from injuring themselves when (for example) taking part in Physical Education, playing in the playground etc. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears.
  • Tracksuits and trainers: These are not part of the uniform (other than for PE) so are not permitted.
  • Brands and Logos: No clothes with logos other than the Richard Atkins logo are acceptable.

Please assist Richard Atkins Primary School by not sending expensive items to school. The school does not carry insurance to cover such losses.

Naming Clothing

Please label all items of clothing clearly with your child’s full name. This will help us to locate articles of clothing that are lost or mislaid. If clothing is lost or mislaid, lost property can be found on the Ground Floor opposite the Nursery .

Ordering Richard Atkins School Uniform

Richard Atkins school uniform is available from:

358 Norwood Road,
SE27 9AA

Telephone: 020 8244 7887

WearAbouts Website

WearAbouts opening hours are from 9.30am to 5,30pm Monday to Saturday (closed 12.45 to 2pm on Fridays).

Items listed that do not include the Richard Atkins logo can be purchased at any uniform stockist.

Lost Property

Our Young Leaders help to return labelled items to their owners; please assist them by clearly labelling clothing and lunch boxes with your child’s name. Lost property can be found in a large black box as you enter the office. Every half term lost property is put out in the playground by our staff and what is not claimed is then taken to a local food bank.