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Richard Atkins Primary School

Pupil Survey


Survey was open from 14th January to 21st January 2024 to all pupils. The survey was completed independently for pupils in Years 1- 6. EYFS pupils completed the survey as one inputting as much pupil voice as possible.

Respondents: 183


richard atkins primary school student survey.pdf


What we are doing well:

  • Most children enjoy coming to school and feel safe when they are at school.
  • Most children feel that their teachers help them to do their best at school and provide them with their next steps.
  • Most children feel that they are encouraged to look after their physical, mental and emotional health and to be independent.
  • Children really enjoy learning, with maths and art being very popular subjects.
  • Although bullying does happen, children report that it is dealt with by members of staff.


Areas for development:  

  • Food - children didn’t specify exactly what needed to change about the food.
  • Playtime - children wanted:
    • o more playtime
    • o extra playtime
    • o more playground equipment
  • A few children reported that they would change the behaviour in school and bullying in the school.