School Meals
Richard Atkins is fortunate to have a superb cook who prepares our delicious meals onsite each day using fresh, natural ingredients.We offer a choice of main courses (including vegetarian and halal options) and an exciting choice of vegetables and salads. Parents can pick up a copy of the school menu from the Main Office.
School Menu
All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals are also available to children whose parents receive Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Child Tax Credit or the Asylum Seekers Allowance.
All Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) pupils in state-funded schools in London are currently receiving free school meals. This is a London-only initiative funded by the Mayor of London and is separate from the Universal Free School Meals program.
All children in Nursery are required to pay for school meals. The current cost of a school lunch is £2.60 per day (£13.00 per week). Payments must be made in advance at the beginning of the term or half term, or if you prefer every Monday. Payments can be made using ParentPay or a printed bar code at a PayPoint in local shops. Please ask in the Main Office for your log-in details or PayPoint barcode.
Packed Lunches
If you decide to send your child in with a packed lunch, please ensure he or she has a healthy and balanced meal.
Packed lunches should not contain glass bottles, cans of fizzy drink or sweets. We also ask that foods containing nuts are not brought in to school in order to safeguard children with serious nut allergies. Packed lunches should be brought in a suitable lunchbox clearly marked with your child’s name.
Some ideas of what to put in a packed lunch:
- Sandwiches or wraps filled with tuna, cheese, ham, chicken, egg with lettuce, tomato or slices of cucumber
- Sticks of raw carrot, celery, peppers or other raw vegetables
- Small tomatoes or other salad items
- Cheese cubes
- Yogurt (with a spoon)
- Mini salads made from leftover pasta or rice
- Fresh or dried fruit
- Small cake or bun
- Fruit smoothies or puree
We suggest that a child always has a sandwich or something equivalent plus two or three other items.
Tips on Making Sure Your Lunches Get Eaten:
- Don’t give your child more than he or she can eat.
- Let your child get involved in packing their lunch box.
- Present food in a novel way by cutting sandwiches or chunks of cheese into different shapes.
- In hot weather, keep the contents of your child’s lunchbox cool by including a pouch of yogurt or fruit puree or a carton of juice that has been frozen overnight. By lunchtime the item will have defrosted.
- Children like to re-fuel quickly so that they can have the maximum amount of time in the playground to play with their friends. Make sure that all items are easy to open and eat.