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Richard Atkins Primary School


As a local authority maintained school, Richard Atkins Primary School adheres to strict financial procedures to protect public funds and to ensure our finances are used in the interest of securing the best possible outcomes for our pupils. Financial decision making is delegated to the Headteacher and a committee of the Governing Body, the Leadership and Management Committee, although the Governing Body as a whole remains responsible for any decision made under delegation.  

Richard Atkins Primary School’s financial procedures are in compliance with:

  • Lambeth’s Scheme for Financing Schools
  • The School’s Financial Procedures Manual
  • The DfE Financial Management Standards in Schools
  • The Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998

Financial Information and Benchmarking

To see more information about our finances and to compare with similar schools (benchmarking) please see our page on the Government’s Schools Financial Benchmarking website.

High Paid Staff

As a maintained school we have a legal responsibility to publish the number of staff currently paid £100,000 or above per year.

Richard Atkins Primary school does not have any staff members who earn over £100,000 per year.