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Richard Atkins Primary School


At Richard Atkins we have high expectations for all our children and we are committed to ensuring that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to meet the individual learning needs of each and every child.

Children in our Nursery and Reception classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework which is statutory. We ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. We aim to give them the broad range of knowledge and skills to provide the right foundation for good future progress through the school and their future lives.

Pupils in Years 1 – 6 follow the 

National Curriculum for England as set by the Department for Education. We set high standards and we are focused in our efforts to help children meet those standards. Our teaching staff work hard to deliver learning experiences that are fun, exciting and enjoyable; fostering curiosity and the courage to succeed to ensure that our pupils develop the enthusiasm and skills required to become lifelong learners.

Our Curriculum 

For more information about each subject please visit its page below.