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Richard Atkins Primary School


We are the Mums, Dads and Carers of pupils at Richard Atkins Primary School; all Parents/Carers automatically become a member when their children join our school.

FoRA exists to foster a feeling of ‘community’ amongst our Parents/Carers of Richard Atkins Primary School and to raise funds for expenses that are not covered by the school budget. It provides an opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal of enhancing the learning experiences of our children and making them even more fulfilling, exciting and fun.

Our main activities are:

  • Organising social and cultural events
  • Helping to promote Richard Atkins Primary School in the wider community
  • Fundraising
  • Supporting the initiatives of staff and students at Richard Atkins
  • Giving parents opportunities to take part in the life of the school and contribute to activities beyond the classroom

All of our children benefit from the additional funds raised by FoRA and, the increased opportunity for Parent/Carers to be more involved in school life fosters a strong community relationship amongst teachers and parents.

How can you help?

  • There are a variety of small ways you can help and be involved – from designing a poster, photocopying and distributing letters in the school, cleaning up after an event, helping out on a stall…so many ways.
  • Giving up just 30 minutes of your time to help FoRA is invaluable. If everyone could spare 30 minutes a term to help, just think what we could achieve!
  • You don’t have to attend FoRA meetings – you can use our contact details to send in ideas for discussion.

We have regular meetings fortnightly Tuesday morning at 9:15am – all are welcome!

If you are unable to attend the meetings but would like to be involved or have any questions, please email us at admin@richardatkins.org or alternatively request to be added to the FoRA whatsapp group for regular updates and discussions. 

Don’t delay, get in touch and make your voice heard!

We rely on parent support – FoRA is only ever as good as the people involved!