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Richard Atkins Primary School

Art, Design and Technology

We feel passionately that it is important to develop creativity through art, design and technology in order to prepare our children for the future.

Children can explore pattern, texture, line, shape and form and learn how to adapt.


It is our aim to engage, challenge and inspire children and provide them with the opportunity to express themselves and, communicate their feelings and emotions in a creative way.  

We teach progressive skills and knowledge to develop children’s skills. We want to ensure children appreciate Art and Design in different ways.  We do this by teaching the children a range of techniques, processes and key skills such as drawing, using paint and colour, printing, clay, papier maché, collage and sculpture. Through this, children can explore pattern, texture, line, shape and form and learn how to adapt each to the best effect. 

We encourage children to explore, design, make and evaluate different products and give them the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. Exciting design briefs provide them with the chance to learn how to become resourceful, innovative and enterprising. 

In order to further develop children’s critical thinking, their understanding and appreciation for art, pupils discover and learn about a range of artists, architects and designers from around the world, throughout history, to promote diversity, represent our school community and reflect the children’s background. We are particularly lucky to be situated within easy travel distance of the fantastic museums and galleries that London has to offer, and we frequently make good use of them.