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Richard Atkins Primary School


At Richard Atkins we teach History in order to engage and enthuse our children and to promote their love for learning.

Our History curriculum has been specifically designed to ensure our pupils are able to develop an understanding of key language and concepts. Pupils develop skills that encourage investigation, inference, chronological awareness and inquiry, it is a subject area that naturally builds on skills developed in core subjects.

Our varied curriculum is ideal for inquisitive young minds. It is full of myths and legends from the Ancient World and mysteries and puzzles of the modernising Britain in which we now live. The people, events and concepts have been carefully selected to ensure the historical narratives and individuals studied reflect our school community. 

In History we aim to give children the opportunity to:

  • Develop their understanding of chronology
  • Develop their understanding of how people’s lives have been shaped by history
  • Explore how Britain has influenced and been influenced by History
  • Research different historical aspects using a range of resources, e.g. pictures, photographs, artefacts, drawings, people’s testimonies
  • Communicate their findings using a wide range of historical vocabulary