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Richard Atkins Primary School

Relationship & Sex

and Health Education (RSHE)

Teaching children about relationships is already part of our curriculum, behaviour policy, vision and values and ethos because we know that as part of a diverse and vibrant school we are preparing children for life. 

The term 'relationships' covers all relationships we, as humans, have with others - family members, friends, the relationships children have in school with their peers and members of staff. In a broad sense, Relationships Education encompasses all interactions we have with others. We endeavour to teach children from a young age all about values, social skills and life skills they need to be successful.

Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) underpins our school curriculum and we aim to deliver accurate, relevant and age-appropriate information about Relationships across our curriculum whether that is learning to be part of a team in PE, sharing resources in Maths or resolving conflict in the playground or learning about different types of families in Reading or PSHE.

Relationships Education and Health Education will be compulsory in primary schools from September 2021. However, Sex Education is not statutory. 

RSHE should contribute to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school and within society, thus preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life. We view the partnership of home and school as vital in providing a context.

RHSE Policy May 2021

  What Will Relationships Education in Primary Schools Cover?

Relationships Education will form a part of children's learning about the world around them and how they interact with others. Like all areas of the curriculum, Relationships Education will be taught objectively, without bias. Children will not be taught to question their own gender identity but will become aware that we are all different and that our differences should never be a cause for fear, conflict or disrespect.

 In the early years (nursery and reception), children will begin to:

  • develop a positive sense of themselves and others;
  • form positive relationships with others;
  • develop respect for others;
  • develop an awareness of similarities and differences between people.

 In KSI (Years I and 2), children will learn more about topics such as:

  • working collaboratively with others;
  • being kind and treating others with respect;
  • bullying and unkind behaviours;
  • understanding their own and others' emotions;
  • the importance of families and friends in our lives;
  • different family structures. 

In KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6), children will build on this and will cover learning on:

  • teamwork and shared responsibilities;
  • resolving conflicts with others;
  • conveying their emotions to others appropriately;
  • the different types of relationships people have with others;
  • effective communication with others;
  • healthy and unhealthy relationships, including all forms of bullying; peer pressure and dares.

Sex Education

RSHE is not about the promotion of sexual activity. Children will learn age appropriate knowledge and consistent vocabulary in relation to toileting and personal care, with euphemisms avoided, and also taking everyday opportunities to teach about consent and personal space will benefit all pupils.  There are clear links between RHSE and empowering pupils to safeguard themselves. 

What Will Sex Education in Primary Schools Cover?

In KS1 (Taught in Year 2) children will learn 

  • the  proper names for the main parts of the body (including external genitalia) and
  • the bodily similarities and differences between boys and girls.
  • about the process of growing from young to old and how people’s needs change.

    ks1 growing up our bodies lesson presentation .pdf

In KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6), children will build on this and will learn

(Taught in Yr 4)

  •  about human reproduction. (science focus)
  • how their body will, and their emotions may, change as they approach and move through puberty.

lks2 growing up human reproduction lesson presentation.pdf

lks2 growing up where do i come from lesson presentation 3 .pdf


(Taught in Year 6)

  •  about human reproduction.
  • about the difference between, and the terms associated with, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
  • about taking care of their body, understanding that they have the right to protect their body from inappropriate and unwanted contact;
  • understanding that actions such as female genital mutilation (FGM) constitute abuse and are a crime, and develop the skills and strategies required to get support if they have fears for themselves or their peers.
  • What is a sexual relationship? Who can have a sexual relationship?
  • What is an STI? How these be prevented?
  • How To recognise different types of relationship, including those between acquaintances, friends, relatives and families.
  • How is a baby conceived? What is contraception?How does a baby grow?

let s talk about sex lesson presentation.pdf

human reproduction lesson presentation.pdf

Please find our RSHE overview below.

RSHE Overview  

 If you wish to withdraw your child from all or part of the Sex Education Lessons please complete the following form and return it to the school office. Withdrawal letter Draft