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Richard Atkins Primary School

Physical Education

At Richard Atkins we believe that physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but it also has a positive influence on growth and development, academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. 

We are committed to promoting the importance of good health and well-being for all our children. We recognise the important role that Physical Education (P.E.) plays and the positive influence that it has on concentration, attitude and the academic achievement of children. It is our aim that all children who leave Richard Atkins at the end of Year 6 do so with the habit of playing and enjoying sports and, the skills and motivation, confidence and discipline necessary to equip them for a healthy and happy life. 

Lessons are taught in line with the National Curriculum and all children can take part in skills acquisition, gymnastics, dance, athletics and team sports. In addition, all children will have the opportunity to attend lessons at Brixton Recreation Centre Pool where they develop basic water skills and learn to swim 25 metres. 

All children will have the opportunity to attend lessons at Brixton Recreation Centre Pool.

At Richard Atkins we believe in healthy competition and encourage children to challenge themselves against their own personal targets as well as through competitive sports. Our pupils have the opportunity to compete in a range of local and borough leagues, competitions and sports festivals in a variety of sporting disciplines. Through sports and other physical activities, our children will learn about their responsibilities both as an individual and as part of a wider group or team. They will learn to cooperate and to compete fairly; understanding their own and other’s roles. 

As part of our enrichment provision we work with sports specialists Moving Matters to provide children with different PE experiences such as: football, cricket and netball. 

 Moving Matters