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Richard Atkins Primary School


At Richard Atkins we value the importance of science education.

We provide our children with the opportunity to explore and investigate the scientific world around them, engaging their curiosity and developing their scientific skills and knowledge. 

Science changes and affects our lives in so many ways and we want our children to understand the world in which we live today and in the future. 

Our Aims:

1. To provide a carefully planned and ambitious curriculum which ensures our children have a breadth of scientific knowledge. 
2. To ensure learning is both achievable and challenging and that progression throughout the key stages provides the necessary depth of scientific knowledge. 
3. To engage and excite our children with imaginative, engaging lessons which enable them to retain and apply their knowledge 
4. To empower our children to feel that they can and should be part of the scientific community.

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We aim to make science as fun, informative, practical and hands-on as possible, encouraging children to explore the world around them through investigation and active engagement in practical science. 

In order to build on the naturally critical and curious nature of children, we we carry out a range of activities include conducting investigations; sharing ideas, and working with with, peers; and developing scientific vocabulary to support talking and writing. 

Science lessons provide a great opportunity to work outdoors and explore the local environment. Our fantastic school grounds and nature garden are used as an important resource to maximise the children’s learning experiences.